
Comments (6)

What do you think?

Keep going! I like Tower Defense games, and yours has a unique game play element with the physics, I also like the shape theme just check out my latest game Circules :P

waaaaw!!!!!!!!! is amazing


this game is complete no in development :(



Brick & Battle - Survival

Version: 1.0.0over 10 years ago

Brick and battle is a 2D tower defence type of game that offers the player the opportunity to build their own walls and this way to have a more personalized experience. The dificulty of the game grows with each level but so does the flexibility of building. It's perfect for players that are seeking not just the possibility to construct something or just the thril of a battle, but the two of them combined.

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Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence

Solved the saving problem

I am sorry that in the last version the game would not be saved if you exited the game. The problem has bees solved. If any problems occur please tell me.

Game under development