The artworks looks kinda sus
Looks pretty dope, kinda innovative; never seen a game like this
Looks cool so far! Keep working hard bud!
oh and its a lot like space invadors i may have miss spelt that
the game is good for a demo and i like it so that is a +
Old school space shmup #action #arcade #retro #scifi #shooter
Reached 600+ followers, so I figured I should do some fanservice artwork. Here's Ariel, the sexy main protagonist of my game, Broken Portal :
Have a wonderful day everyone (it's morning where i'm from)
First draft of tiles and enemy units for the Earth level
For map tiles
- perspective
- lightsources
- shading
New enemy unit
- laser turrets
Stayed up all night and remade almost all the graphics, to give it a more retro/pixelated look
-redesigned ship, with animation
- redesigned powerup items
- powerup & powerdown sounds
- new health pickup animation
- new powerup - haste (2x speed)