
Comments (9)

What do you think?

Love the graphics! I included it in part 18 of my GameBoy Jam compilation video series, if you’d like to check it out :)

Really cool art. I like the pseudo-isometric look of the platforms.

Interesting carrying mechanic. I'm not sure why, but there's something weirdly satisfying about throwing that giant ball up onto a ledge. I can't explain it. :)

Very interesting concept!

Executables on the root folder please, not 'builds' like it's some git project.

The controls info menu is broken for me (

Controls feel unintuitive in that you need a wee bit of time to get used to them. I'd much rather prefer X being used to both pick up and throw the berry, and Z to actually be a jump button. The berry needs to have a large area to allow you to pick up as it feels too precise.

Lives sure give that retro feel, but end up just being a nuisance. The player's going to get to that level they're really stuck on sometime or another, so I don't see the point of adding a grind in addition to a hard level.

And uh, how am I 'sposed to safetly pass the 'maggots' in the 2nd level? :p




Version: 4.0.0over 10 years ago

Game Soundtrack

3 songs

Link to the jam profile:

A gluttonus molerat is determined to eat all of the sweetest berries he can sink his teeth into. But our destined hero is on the run with the last Brownberry, his mission: Plant the last remaining seed it bares.

Play as a strange fungus in this old school platformer designed for a Gameboy. Running and jumping your way from platform to platform in hopes of out running the wicked molerat and finding fertile ground for the Brownberry. From stones and cotton cushions to hammers and watering cans, solve various puzzles and defeat ravenous foes before the berry is lost to all Fungi.

Developer's Note:

We were inspired by GBJam3 on August 4th and jumped in with all four feet. This little romp has us so excited that we'll be pumping out a full fledged adventure for our hero and villain to battle it out. We hope you enjoy the game and look forward to more to come!


Mild Cartoon Violence
Comical Shenanigans

Patch #2

Another set of small bug fixes. Nectar total is reset after a game over, or a victory. The second level no longer has a ghost nectar that is nowhere to be found. Fixed an issue that occasionally caused crashes on death.

Patch #1