
Comments (5)

What do you think?

wow this game is just boring what were you going for just by the title this game is really bad. I really mean what is the point of this game were you trying to make game or a demo please explain me that. my rating for this game is 2/5.

what is this? XD

Not much to it.
No purpose, no end, sounds are kinda creepy and the keys don't work properly.


Burger Hero

Version: 1.0.0over 11 years ago

Burger must not touch rice.

Burger cannot fight rice

Burger must avoid rice

Burger lovez happy face

Story : You're a fast food eater and your mother comes in with bowls of rice.

THERE! a meaning for my game!


Burger Hero 2

Burger Hero 2 : Polished Burger will be created when gamemaker studio starts working. It shall be polished!