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Burger Banger

Version: 0.0.1almost 2 years ago

  Burger Banger where you can Bang all the Burgers, not literally but technically speaking as many as you want.

-  (2023 Unreleased  -
     The idea of Burger Banger came to me while I was hungry and craving as you can see, so I made not the idea but the actual thing, and here it is. 

     Burger Banger will feature many original handmade animations as we go, as an artist I'm trying my hardest to make everything animated frame by frame, none of that effect stuff.  
     The Banger game will also feature such upgrades, a shop for cosmetics because I'm huge on uniqueness, stuff that you relate to that lets you be you and that nobody else has, and mini-games built-in like Asteroid, which of course you get a slight hint in the gameplay clip of the Asteroid-like burgers floating around getting popped.

      Burger Banger will include Windows, MacOS, & Linux downloaded versions, keep that in mind.

      With all that said I hope you wishlist Burger Banger and wait for the oncoming updates. Also, be the first to join the Discord.

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