Comments (5)
I like the quality of the grafics! Good luck! I will add it to my playlist.
every one wants the beta so just do it xD !!
i hope you finish the game it looks awsome :D !
Looks interesting, following :)
This looks very awesome. My three favorite games in one game
This game will be aviable in french and english.
Le contenu du jeu sera disponible en francais et en anglais.
Crossover is a mario and zelda game in pokemon style and gameplay, the game will feature a large open world and many side quests.
Crossover est un jeu de mario et zelda dans le style et le gameplay de Pokémon, le jeu aura un grand monde ouvert et plusieurs quête secondaires.
The game is sheduled to be released this summer.
Le jeu est prévu de sortir cet été.
Devloppement Status/progression du dévloppement 47%
Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence