Comments (6)
I think this game has lots of potential, but there's a game breaking glitch that happens if you go into the room of a boss you already defeated, you can't leave, and it softlocks the game. I love the game, but I think I'd like it a lot more if you fixed that bug.
Can you help me with megaman X fan game programing?
If yes type a comment on site on gamejolt:Mega man X: VILE STRIKES BACK,so pls help!
i love your project and his inspiration, if need a composer i would like help of course i only want help and learn also good project, the sprites and the fluenty it is cool!
Levity Fleet 4
Levity Fleet 3
Levity Fleet 2
Levity Fleet
After the flops that were Wish Jewel and Cable Doll, I learned so much more about game design. I've come back to Levity Fleet to build onto it, making it the best platforming action game I can. It's about two teams of robots fighting one another, the heroes wanna save the world while the villains wanna control it. #action #adventure #platformer #retro