Comments (7)

this should be added to the files

This mod makes me release all waste currently in my body
best game EVER
Friday Night Funkin' x Sinick.wav
download the zip file, extract it, put the sinick folder in your yoshi engine mod folder (o yea ur gonna nead yoshicrafter engine to play this lol https://gamebanana.com/mods/352532)
@_pippleshidy : everything lol
@Regalito : owner of SINICK.WAV!!!
@WeDoALittleTrolling : uhhh made sinick.wav i guess...
so you're average couple bor favor and sexy GARFIELD zamn!!!! are just takin a stroll through this totally not suspicious (among us?) replica of Hide and Seek from Sonic.exe and the COOL SINICK.WAV CHALLENGES THEM TO RAPE BATTLE!! can borfavor and jarfield defeat this forPEAKable foe before they start drownign drowning sinking sinking?
remember to stay waving gamers!!

*crys* why? #fnf