
Comments (5)

What do you think?

I think it felt like a basic platformer, except with a protagonist that can't be bothered to run ten feet without having a heart attack and dying. Furthermore, collisions are terrible. You can just get within three feet of an obstacle and get the same artsy-fartsy "try again" screen over and over. Some may call this "artfully hard" but really the game is easy with a few cheap deaths thrown in. Bad design with an "artful" theme is still bad design.

this game is fun, i like the game play mechanics, and i hope you keep on making more in the future. there is nothing more heroic in this world than a solo INDI game developer. :) you can really tell how this game relates to the theam witch is on the sound of a heart beat. :)



Version: 1.0.0about 12 years ago

A platformer made in 48 Hour in global game jam event, where you control charecter with his heart beat. Use arrow keys for left and right. Space to Jump and Listen carefully. Put a headphone if you can.

Mild Cartoon Violence
Comical Shenanigans
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