Comments (2)
Pretty fun game, good job on this man (soundtrack is also a banger like always)
Cave Adventure 3
![logo.png logo.png](https://m.gjcdn.net/content/750/24345084-gatzc55w-v4.png)
Welcome to the game page of Cave Adventure 3.
What is this game?
That is a good question, because most of the people reading this have not played both of my previous Cave Adventures. This game is a platformer where you play as this guy:
![rfsdjmrdstyjm.png rfsdjmrdstyjm.png](https://m.gjcdn.net/content/750/24343814-6fepftcx-v4.png)
and you have to go down into a cave to search for your guitar after it was stolen. I'm sure that sounds like a good concept that would get anyone reading this to download the game.
Why does this game exist?
This is the third time I have made Cave Adventure. You might be thinking, "why the hell are you making a third one just make something else." Ever since I released the previous version of this game, I knew that it could be way better than it was then, and so I spent the last few months completely remaking the game, and turning it into a somewhat acceptable final product. After this game, I will move on to something different.
What's New?
Something that you might ask is "what about this game is better than the old ones?" A quick answer to that question is everything, but in the following list I will go over features that have improved since the last game and features that will hopefully bring your cursor closer to the download button:
Good physics
Good music
Good level design
Good sprites and art
Good trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v66vt4lSs14
With everything that I described above, you should now be persuaded into playing this game. If not, then I recommend that you play it anyways because you will most likely enjoy it even if you don't think that you will.
Game: TheRedCrystal
Music: TheRedCrystal
Sprites and art: TheRedCrystal
My youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@TheRedCrystal
thanks to my friend Kaine for the game page's header: https://soundcloud.com/dumbass59000
thanks to this video for the creepy whispering used in one of the songs: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QQUJhP2u5Pk