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If there is one thing that will forever be true about the Google Play Store (or just any digital store in general) that everyday it seems like shovel ware apps will be continuously be uploaded to the store and Google most likely does not oversee the content that a lot of these apps contain.
To be more specific I'm talking about the kids apps. There are so many kids apps on the Google Store and at first that does not seem to be a big issue right? Well in early 2018 that wasn't the case.
An app was uploaded to the Google Play Store called "call Blaze and the Monster Machines 2018" and at first considering that it's based of the show with the same name on Nick Jr. you'd think it will be innocent.
Well, not really.
I'll give you a description on the app and I will explain how this not only caused controversy but also got the attention of Google.
At first it will seem like a shitty and poorly designed app with a screen shot of the app icon on the top and a copy-pasted phone options like you would see on a regular phone but the text was in a different language on the bottom.
Here is where things take a turn for the worst.
After a couple of ads you will be taken to the other menu as described and you will hear a voice of someone with an Irish accent and the voice has been slowed down to give a demonic feel to the voice (or a voice that sounds similar to Jack Nicholson's Joker's voice) and the man will say the following:
"Hi kids, I'm your new friend Happy Slappy, or whatever you want me to be called. You see I want to play with you kiddo, maybe we could perform some fun games together. What's this hogwash? You look afraid. Is it this knife in my whirly twirly hands? Making you a little nervous ha? That's all right 'cause this is knife is gonna improve your look when it's sticking right out of you!" And then the call ends with the man laughing criminally.
A mother who discovered the app posted a video to YouTube discussing how Google should be more careful when it comes to letting apps onto the Google Play Store.
Google has since deleted the app however you can still download the .APK file and transfer it on to your android device.
call Blaze and the Monster Machines 2018 (Reupload)
Original Creator: Ralph dev1
This app is a fake call from the monster machines games, you will receive a fake call from blaze monster truck
Install fake call from blaze monster truck machines and start the call now .
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Blaze monster truck call simulator is a game where you receive unlimited calls from monster cars, overcome dangers while collecting as many omniverses as you can to score the highest.
You can call and talk to the monster machines at any time you want by using this new calling app !
Enjoy by calling blaze monster machines and make fun of your friends by this call from blaze monster truck machines.
Become king of Truck! and live the Adventure Blaze Monster Truck machines allows players To get real calls from blaze and the monster trucks . Travel as far and fast as possible through endlessscenic winter environments popeyby calling blaze .
Blaze Monster machines World of paw blaze patrol embark on an endless snowboarding odyssey calling the monster machines games app .
Set The waiting time to call blaze monster truck machines and wait for the call from blaze monster truck.
Have you ever dreamed that you can simulate and get call from machines ? This blaze games is a monster machines blaze fake call simulator that make calling blaze driver possible, Now and thanks tothis funny blaze and his monsters machines fake call play phone you can simulate amazing monster truck fake video call
and receive fake call blaze and from the monster machines games the funny to talk to blaze and monster truck on the kids phone and make your kids wondering about this blaze call prank games. #2018 #fakeprankcall