Comments (4)
Looks good! Was it inspired in the Cube/Hypercube/Cube Zero movies?
I like it, the game was fun, and I don't get why you said it was so hard in the desc. It was pretty easy for me
CellBreach PC/Windows
For All Window Platforms,
--This will Auto-Update to the current release.--
1. Simply save it to your favorit location.
2. Unzip/extract the folder.
(Winrar, or any program that can unzip).
3. Start the cellbreach.exe game!
Are you new to Unzip/Extract .rar files?
Go to this link to learn! http://www.cellbreach.com/unzip/
The rest of the files in that folder are for the Update Features, with out them the game wont update Automaticly!
CellBreach PC/Mac
Mac versions have no Auto update features. For new versions you will need to visit http://www.cellbreach.com for the newest version of CellBreach.
CellBreach is not easy!! This is a Maze game where death is at every corner.
This game is a Massive Multiplayer Online Maze Game.
Its simple..
A. Find the key someware in CellBreach
B. Find the Dark Blue Room while having the key.
C. Beat the maze before any other online players so you can upgrade!
use clues, items, and friends to help you win. When you beat the game you get the chance to upgrade your charactor stats while all other players die !
Question is, can you beet this maze ?
Every time the maze is reset its ALWAYS diferent!!
Quick tutorial:
WADS keys to move around.
1 & 2 keys to hightlight between left and right hand.
SpaceBar to use the item highlighted in left or right hand.
To open a door: walk up to a door, use your mouse to open the door.
To grab an item: Walk to the item, Select your charactor with the mouse to pick up the item.
To throw an item to the ground: Using your mouse, select an item in your inventory, drag it to the floor.
Using items in a door: When you have a door open you will see 2 buttons named "Use left hand", and "Use right hand". Make sure you have an item in your left or right hand in your inventory, select "use left/right hand" button in doorway to see if that item has any affect in the next room.
Items: Items Only work if placed in a hand. (Comming soon)-->Some items will work when on feet.
Shoe: Use this in the doorway to see if there is a lazer trap in the other room. (Remember, the item must be in your left or right hand).
Mirror: Place this in a hand in your inventory to use in a room with a lazer. The mirror will take the damage instead of you. But hurry, it dont last forever ;)
Note: Notes are clues to find the key and the escape room. Are you smart enough to figure it out ?
Key: You must have a key on you (Anywear in your inventory is fine) when entering the escape room. Doing this will allow you to beet the game, and allow only you to upgrade a stat permanatly.
All other players in the maze will die a brutal death.
Traps: Carfule, with out the proper tools you will die !
Lazer Trap: Lazers that come from walls from all directions will dice you up. Hitting once every 1 second this trap does 2 damage.
Rooms: Each room has 6 doors in wich you must choose to go thrue.
Moving Rooms: A room will move once every 1 minute. The more the rooms move, the more confusing it will become.
Edge of Maze: if you get to an edge of the maze the door will be locked.
Blank Room: Blank rooms are empty spots in wich other rooms will move into. Doors leading to empty rooms will be locked.
Maze Freeze: When no players are in the maze after half an hour, the maze will freeze all moving rooms.
Maze Restart: When no players are in the maze after 1 hour, the maze will reset, all players in the maze will die.
Maze Reset: Every time the maze resets, its never the same. Depending on how many players last played the maze might be bigger, smaller, wider, thiner, or taller. Traps will also be in deferent rooms, and spawning of items will also change.
I would like to introduce my amazing new maze thriller game.
This maze game is a huge memory game because you have to remember what rooms to go in, and what rooms to stay out of, and there is a lot of rooms.
There is no walls except for the boundary of this maze. The maze is a large cube shaped box, full of cube shaped rooms. What makes CellBreach an awesome maze game, is the fact that a lot of the rooms have traps. Going into these rooms with out the proper certain tools for certain traps will result in death.
Each room has 6 doors in it, one on each wall, and one going up, and one going down. This puts a top down 2d view game in a 3d cubed world.
What makes this game even more special, is the fact there are other real players trying to beat this maze before you. The prize of beating the maze is not only your able to kill everybody else left in the maze, but a player who escaped is able to upgrade their stats, you have hit-points, hunger points, and attack points. Once upgraded it stays forever no matter how many times the maze resets.
If your wondering how to beat the maze, its fairly simple, find the only key somewhere in the many rooms, and bring it to the only blue room in the maze. If this sounds easy, then your absolutely crazy, and i dare you to try. My recommendation is for you to bring in a few friends to help you, because unlike other games, the longer the maze runs with out being beaten the harder it gets.
The one thing i have not told you yet and saved for the last was the question, why it gets harder every minute the maze has not been beaten.
the simple answer to that simple question would be this:
Each room has a 3 digit number all in order from one room to the next and are in Synchronized order as one unit. However when things start to move it causes chaos, that’s right you herd me right, the Rooms actually move. One room moves once every minute. This changes the locations of those rooms, that you once remembered was there. This is especially dangerous because there are many traps in many rooms.
Thank god you have a good memory tho, because since each room has a number hopefully you don’t land in a room with a trap you once found in another location.
Cartoon Violence