
Comments (12)

What do you think?

Very well put together, but hard-hitting difficult gameplay straight from the start. The design is pretty much perfect and it's a great idea for the theme, but I think the experiment results show tweaking gameplay to prediction on a curve raises the difficulty to a higher degree than one would originally expect.

Freaking sexy!

Great arcade game. It shows the true potential of Game Maker. I liked playing it, but I probably won't play it over again. XD

woah almost 1000 plays man :D just 200 more XD

Congrats on the feature :)



Version: 1.0.0over 14 years ago

Cenfinity is a never ending shmup, but unlike other shmups, this shmup takes place in a half-circle. The game is in a pick-up and play style, so you should be able to figure everything out by simply following the instructions given. Also, I intend to make a second version of this with online highscores, stats, and trophies.

Made for the Experimental Gameplay Project.

**Chrome Web Store App:****That's right, you can play Cenfinity in Google Chrome now!


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