Comments (3)
u da best
Honestly this was a much shorter experience than I was expecting, and sometimes I feel like I was getting by on the forces of pure luck. But I was greatly entertained / frustrated! So mission accomplished?
I think it goes without saying that this could be something super awesome with a few more levels and a couple of tweaks to the way things work. But if this is the be all and end all of CHAMP, then let us bask in its warm glowing warming glow of PUNCHING!
Keep up the great work, my friend! =)
the game is pretty good, dont know why i was trying to do the dempsey roll, but pretty good
Welcome to CHAMP! A single-player pixel-art "Punch-Out!!" styled game about two fighters aiming to become the best in the boxing world! In the red corner, the warrior of steel with punches of power and eyes like lasers! And in your corner, the purple man! A smile on his back and a laughter to his step. Dodge and Attack in FOUR DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS to beat your opponent and become the best, but do be careful. You go down in ONE HIT.
You think you can beat the best? Ready to test your mettle and against ACTUAL METAL? Then take this challenge on and become the CHAMP.
Support Email: [email protected]
#sports #arcade #retro #scifi #other #punchout #fighting #boxing