Comments (3)
Neat graphics! I included it in part 4 of my Adventure Jam compilation video series, if you would like to check it out :) https://youtu.be/cpSb05PuJy0
I spent ages on this, just making my own story then ended in disaster for my captain. Lots of opportunity to expand this game, if there was a "Most promise" category" I'd think it should win :)
This a really neat "write your own story" game. Using fragments of maps and paper was a cute idea. The music helped build an atmosphere of adventure. A little buggy, but could be really engaging with some development. Good work!
Changing Horizons
A game of maps, discovery and the eternal desire to explore.
A game by Josh Unsworth (@Joshua_Unsworth)
With music by Rebecca Dale (@becca_dale)
All the maps used in this are in the public domain and available for free use. The collections of the British Library and the New York Library were especially helpful.
That's enough talking, go have an adventure!
NOTE: In the current/jam version of the game, the game needs to be played at a high resolution to be able to see and edit the text. Play at 1900x1080 if possible!