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#other #comic #adventure #comicbook #sliceoflife
This ISN'T a video game, it's a comic. I've created this as an experiment, would it be possible to release a PDF of a comic book I created here through game publishing and profit from it? So anyone who finds this page is aware that this is a COMIC, this is NOT a video game.
Charcoal Rabbit Tales is a comic series revolving around a blackish-blue rabbit named Charcoal who lives with a family of rabbits. He has a twin brother who's a cat named Clawson. Both of their parents are rabbits. (Dad has some cat genes on his side of the family.) Both boys have been diagnosed with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder).
We follow Charcoal and maybe Clawson on their adventures in life from their childhoods to teenhoods.
Charcoal lives with his mom and Clawson lives with his dad. (When their parents divorced when they were 5 years old, each parent agreed to take one twin with them.)

Charcoal is the nice rabbit boy. He's the good guy and tries to be the best he can be. He loves Clawson and keeps in touch with him.
Clawson is mean but lovable. He doesn't follow rules, doesn't like school, and wants to do what he wants. He would generally avoid committing bad crimes, he's a rule-breaker, not an idiot. He loves his brother.
(More stories will come as more comics are complete.)
Season/Volume 01
Listed below are episode titles for this comic series. I have scripts written down for them and/or titles for them locked*. (*Last-minute additions and changes could happen.) I hope to complete 12 episodes in total if this comic goes anywhere.
The Century of Sadness (Currently Sketching) Length: 52 Pages
In 2022, Charcoal is living the best life ever in Burnsburg, Arizona. He's doing well in school, has friends, and life couldn't get better. However, the announcement of Charcoal's older half-brother moving in with his wife and their babies threatens Charcoal's way of life. He resorts to running away from home but things go awry.
The Leprechaun Cameth (Fully Written) Length: 46 Pages
In 2012 in Charcoal and Clawson's hometown of Eneldaopolis, Washington State, they're kindergarten class was vandalized on St. Patrick's Day.
Clawson Sneaks Out (Fully Written) Length: 50 Pages
In 2016, Clawson decided he didn't want to go to school today. He brings Ron and Ellisa along with his demon friends on a day of fun.
Blue Angels and Diablos (Fully Written) Length: 35 Pages
In 2012, Charcoal and Clawson play in the park until they see a blue shooting star coming toward Earth and landing in the nearby forest. They check it out only to be recruited into Sylvarius' Legions.
Museum Mayhem (Fully Written) Length: 52 Pages
Taking place after Blue Angels and Diablos, Charcoal, and Clawson go on a field trip to a newly-opened art museum and strange happenings take place.
Hectic Headache (Script Pending for Review)
Bedtime Bunny (Only a story treatment written)
Stinky Relationship Part. 1 (Fully Written) Length 41 Pages
Stinky Relationship Part. 2 (Still Writing)
Most everything by Charles "Charcoal Rabbit" Topley (Me)
How long does it take for me to complete a comic or page?
It varies between comics. It depends on what mood I'm in. Whether or not I'm feeling up to it, how long it is, what I'm doing on any given day, it all depends. Writing the comic script is the easiest part of the process and comic strips can be written within hours at the shortest. It should take one to two days for every set of two pages. I can even sketch an entire strip within hours in 1 day if I'm in the mood and depending on the script.
What art program do I use?
I use FireAlpacaSE from Steam. It's the one I have used since I started doing digital art and it does its job for me. Even has useful tools for making comics and good brushes.
Do I have anyone helping me?
So far, it's just me making these comics. But I hope to have additional help in the future with assistants, additional artists, additional writers, and creative consultants.
Where can I find your other work?
I post on Facebook, Twitter/X, Deviantart, Fur Affinity, and all sorts of places. If you want to learn more about my artistic journey, I invite you to check out my other places. Some of my old art isn't the best and some of which age like milk. I've had many stumbles and false starts until I finally got the ball rolling on something I like. I'm not the most consistent poster in the world so I can disappear for god knows how long at a time.
My target audience?
13-18 year-olds, the same target audience as Shonen manga. I want to tell a story about Charcoal and Clawson's adventures and be able to write what I want.
Is there an overarching story?
No, not really. It's just a collection of different stories from Charcoal and Clawson's lives set within the years 2005-2024. From their birth to their graduation (I won't touch their high school graduation for a long while, I have too much I want to do with them before then.) told in no particular order. The closest I have to something that can be considered "multi-parted" are two scripts I've written that I cut into two parts since they were too long for one episode by my standards. Just simple and easy stories to get to know these boys for the time being before I send them to Hell and back.
How much will comics cost and why pay for them?
I hope to sell for $5 per issue. I want to turn comics into a full-time job and I have a lot of stories I want to tell. But I need to make a living somehow. However, 1-page comic strips or comics under 14 pages I post on social media are free and will always be free. (Unless you want to pay for early access on Patreon or Ko-fi and see my comics early with some Behind the Scenes content.) So if you don't want to or can't pay for multi-page comics, you can still see simple and easy comic strips. Although, I'll release the first 6 pages of every issue free of charge for you to preview.
Mild Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Language
Comical Shenanigans