Comments (6)
fixed some stuff
UPDATE 1.2 -------------------
-Fire shield lasts 3x longer
-Space is also jump
-control / shift for powerups
-infinite list of powerups (instead of 15 max)
-Hearts cannot be used to heal, only used to revive.
-Added powerup (Pause lava / walls)
-Grass Fixed
-Can only send highscore if you are using the latest version of the game.
thanks :D
It got my blood pumping!
hey man good job with your first game :D
Chasm Escape
Climb the falling blocks to escape the lava and closing chasms
arrow keys: move, jump climb and push blocks.
z: use powerups
x: switch powerup
needed to play:
-latest directX 9:
-visual c++ 2008 runtime:
Tested only on windows XP win32
more info, download and highscores on