Comments (73)
Chastertale Episode 1: Steps In Silence[TrueModeGenocideDummy]
People, help me to cope with broken English! Please write here about all such mistakes so that I can correct them.
I really love this and I hope to see how the next episodes are gonna spiral with the first but first things first how do I find the other enemy that said I haven't met yet the name was Ibris I think? but I might be wrong anyways here is my first part genocide Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HlG6bToQLMY
i also made a part two to genocide Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5dXGp9_MfGE you are really clever with the final fight with the dummy it was intense but also very satisfying anyways hope you like my second part and not forget about us we hope you could keep up the great work and one more time thank you :D
Chastertale: Episode II BETA [B] - English
The English version. Not the final version of the episode. Enjoyъ!
Chastertale: Episode II BETA [B] - Russian
Версия на русском. Не конечная версия эпизода. Enjoyъ!
Chastertale: Episode I Steps in Silience
Если вы найдёте какие-либо баги в игре, сообщите нам об этом.
If you find any bugs in the game, please let us know.
Game Soundtrack
01 - Chastertale OST - Old Deserted Town
- 1.01 - Chastertale OST - Old Deserted Town
- 2.02 - Chastertale OST - Honey River
- 3.03 - Chastertale OST - Space Swing
- 4.04 - Chastertale OST - Ibris
- 5.05 - Chastertale OST - Cold Memories
- 6.06 - Chastertale OST - Before the Singing
- 7.07 - Chastertale OST - Cold Stream
- 8.08 - Chastertale OST - Singing of Chapel
- 9.09 - Chastertale OST - Technical Soul
- 10.10 - Chastertale OST - Artficial Mind
- 11.11 - Chastertale OST - The Echo of the Truth
- 12.11.1 - Chastertale OST - The Echo of The Truth (Drum version)
- 13.12 - Chastertale OST - Underwater
- 14.13 - Chastertale OST - Losted
- 15.14 - Chastertale OST - Dream Walking
- 16.15 - Chastertale OST - Enemies {Removed}
- 17.16 - Chastertale OST - Steps in Silence
- 18.17 - Chastertale OST - Drowned Memory {Outdated}
- 19.23 - Chastertale OST - Once Upon a Time Remix [by Vassamo]
- 20.25 - Chastertale OST - Someone Brought You Here
- 21.26 - Chastertale OST - A Drowned Memory Of The Salvater
Youtube: youtube.com/c/ChasterVersion
Discord: discord.gg/57vzmmv
SoundCloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-261620947
CHASTERTALE: The Coming Of The Dawn

"Постарайся не забыть о своём существовании, призрак"
Путешествуй между сном и реальностью.
Исследуй Подземное Королевство.
Пройди путь, где все прочие были обречены на провал.

"Try not to forget about your own existence, ghost"
Travel between the dream and reality.
Explore Underground Kingdom.
Walk the path where everyone else was doomed to fail.

Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Language