Comments (5)
Loved the graphics on this one - really used the GBC palettes well.
A truly original game, congratulations!
*one sheep xD
OMG! I only managed to carry a Sheep :_D
sounds cute and intertaining
Cheap sheep shipping
Press B for try this!
Short Gameboy Color game made for the #bitbitjam4 from June 30th to July 7th of 2017 ~ "Velcro Ship" theme - "One key".

You're starting a small business carrying sheeps between different places in the tall tall lands, and you just have a really cheap helicopter (with velcro base for carrying them) with just ONE button for do the work. Try to don't crash and get your clients proud, happy and fluffy!
Hold B Button: Do actual helicopter behaivour.
Release B Button: Change helicopter behaivour.
(Also B button for navigate in the menus).

Concept-Idea-Music-Coding: EN.I
Version: v1.0 (#bitbitjam4)
Platform: Gameboy Color
ROM size: 1Mbit(yeah, not enough time to optim)
File size: 128kb.
Language: English