Comments (24)
will phantom Chica be unlockable in some way or will she stay as the shop keeper?
guys i think he likes chica
hows the progress?
Gave this thing a whirl today and I gotta say I like how there are so many other animatronics present aside from the Chica's.
Hopefully in the next demo/full game, there will be more interactable objects in the maps, as well as more meaning in talking to the various other characters (get quests, boss fights, non-Chica party members perhaps?).
Speaking of the Chica party members, their recruitments can be worked on some more. What I mean is that to me, it feels off that :
You get Toy Chica for free considering you have to fight Withered and Nightmare Chica
Withered Chica gets fought without saying anything after Chica asks her "WTF are you doing?"
Nightmare Chica attacks you without warning or reason after entering the East Hallway map for the first time
What I would suggest is that you need to fight or, to make her stand out more from the other two, do a quest for Toy Chica (which is not to get a cupcake ala FNAFB2) and put more meat in the recruitment encounters with Withered and Nightmare Chica rather than the quick "Here I am, I beat you, now you join my team" affair it is now. It would be a good opportunity to flesh them out more as characters.
Lastly regarding the Chica's, perhaps you could consider giving them each a unique weapon as opposed to all of them using the same damn cupcake?
So far it's the very typical FNAFB experience with unlocking shops, get all the gear, proceed to the next shop until you got access to them all which is fine for an early demo.
May I also suggest a slightly revamped map? The one you got now ain't bad at all, especially cuz it feels more lively with all the characters present, but it reminds me too much overall of the FNAF1 pizzeria in terms of layout which is a place we've all been too many times.
I also hope there will be more enemy variety aside from the done to death party hats and security camera's.
Skills so far, while I haven't properly tried them all out, seem pretty strong. I easily wooped Omega Party Hats with pretty much the first skill any currently available Chica has. This doesn't have to be a bad thing. Either nerf their damage outputs so enemies (regular and bosses alike) pose more of a challenge or keep their power as it is and adjust future boss stats accordingly.
There also are three clipping issues I noticed :
In the Office, you can walk through the vent next to Golden Freddy which allows you to get inside the black map borders
In the map with Rockstar Chica and "Not Golden Freddy", you can walk on the "Amalgam Box"
In the Kitchen, you can walk on the three boxes behind the Phantom Chica Shop
That's all I got so far. Two questions I have right now :
What's the ETA on the next update?
Will there be Ultimate Weapons and if so, are they to be dropped by enemies ala the original FNAFB trilogy or will we obtain them for each Chica after defeating a certain boss/completing a hard quest?
Will demo saves be compatible with the full game or any future updates?