
Comments (12)

What do you think?

Good shooting game! The aiming is tough but at least it's compensated with humans immune to bullets ;)

Very awesome game! Definitely agree with Slothmachine. You've got a great game here, and I had an amazing time playing it!

My Let's Play of Chickendemic, "Demon Fried | ChickenDemic":

Plays great. Really well made. Love the humor.

Ooh! Really nice visuals. Awesome story intro. Not many Jam entries have time for this polished look. And this is funny too. Well done!

Super sweet concept! Well made. I included it in part 17 of my Indies vs Gamers compilation video series, if you would like to take a look :)



Version: 1.0.1over 9 years ago

A minigame created for the #indiesvsgamers jam. Save the planet from evil chickens, using your glorious helicopter. Then compare your highscores with the entire world. Prove yourself worthy of becoming the best chicken killer the world has ever met!

What can you find in the game?

• Helicopter
• Chickens
• Civilians
• Trees
• Buildings
• Weapons
• More chickens
• A giant chick
• Astonishing amount of chickens

Due to the massive demand and poverty, local farmers have decided to please the CFC fast food chain using means of evil. Unfortunately, they created something diabolical.
The attack began that very night, when nobody was expecting it.
Thankfully, there was a soldier. A soldier, who was deemed insane for calling chickens creatures from hell. But here and now, he was prepared to face them, and save the entire world in his glorious helicopter.

Intense Cartoon Violence
Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore


Indie VS Gamers - Day 2