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Chirophobia (32Bit Game Jam Version)

Version: 1.1.0over 2 years ago

Made by students in 2 weeks for the 32Bit Game Jam 2022!


One nameless survivor will face the foul creatures of an eldritch apocalypse alone...

Chirophobia is a PSX FPS survival horror game inspired by horror greats like Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Cry Of Fear, Afraid Of Monsters & Lost In Vivo.


When strange eldritch hands appeared from the depths of the Earth, humanity's fate was sealed. All life was terrorized by the fiendish anomalies. Cities were destroyed in their wake, and all humans unfortunate enough to be on the ground were grabbed and forcefully pulled into the depths of the callous void in which the hands came from. For anybody who managed to escape their abysmal reach, the hands summoned foul, twisted abominations to do their bidding - to act as their eyes, ears and mouths.

A lone, nameless survivor escaped to the city's rooftops in hopes of having even the slimmest chance of survival. Armed with nothing but a pistol, this survivor will fight off the army of cosmic creatures that doom us all.


Created by Cameron Glasgow & Jamie McDermott

Cameron Glasgow - Programmer

Jamie McDermott - 3D Modeller, Artist & Level Designer

Extra Information

Stuff we wanted to add but didn't have time:

  • A Construction Site level

  • A Skyscraper level

  • A proper ending cutscene

  • An options menu

  • Snowy weather

  • Greater world-building

Closing Words from the cool + sexy devs

This is our first ever Game Jam working together as a team and our second ever game. Creating this has been quite a stressful challenge, but one that we've learned a lot from. It's far from perfect, but we're very proud of what we've managed to make, and we hope that you'll like it too :)


#horror #action #platformer #survivalhorror #fps #shooter #horrorfps #ps1 #psx #lowpoly #atmospheric #boomershooter #retro #short #unrealengine5

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed