
Comments (2)

What do you think?

it's really nice and fluid, i love the animation style and everything! The controls are very responsive and the style is crashalicious!!! Speaking of crash, My game did crash as it was trying to read an uninitialized ini file after i tried to save the marsupials. Good game; can't wait to see what you develop in the future!


Crash Bandicoot Chaotic Unknown

Version: 0.0.11 day ago

(Português br)

Crash Bandicoot Chaotic Unknown é um projeto pessoal cujo objetivo é ser uma fã game 2d da serie crash bandicoot com elementos de exploração e batalhas de chefes ao final das fases. o jogo ainda está bem no começo do desenvolvimento, mas já tenho uma build que irei disponibilizala. Pretendo finalizar o projeto e espero que gostem do joguinho.


Crash Bandicoot Chaotic Unknown is a personal project whose objective is to be a 2d fan game of the crash bandicoot series with elements of exploration and boss battles at the end of the levels. The game is still very early in development, but I already have a build that I will make available. I intend to finish the project and I hope you enjoy the game.

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Mild Language
Crass Humor
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