Comments (2)
Donde puedo encontrar la versión original?
Finaly it will be playable (kind of)
Christiano Deciptato
This version has some untranslated sprites or images, the dialogues are fully translated.
If you think I could improve something or you saw something untranslated please tell me on my Discord or here.
This is an English translation of Christian the Desperate made by MuuMan and myself, credits to IronPass88 for making a great piece of art.
Extra Fight re-sprites: Funtermore
Playtesting: WastelandPizzaBoy, Sam, SpecterReaper, TobyXD
That's all, have a nice day and I hope you enjoy the English translation of Christian el desesperado.
Cartoon Violence
Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Tobacco Use
Suggestive Themes