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CINEREUM [7dfps 2023]

Version: 0.1.011 months ago

Originally the product of my most recent Godot FPS learning sessions, then also an entry for 7dfps 2023 when the deadline for that jam got a generous extension.

Be advised, this is far from a finished piece of work...:

  • For some reason I couldn't get the HUD to work, so you won't know for sure how much ammo you have either loaded or in reserve

  • No ammo pick-ups as yet (the trade-off is you have a lot of ammo in reserve...)

  • The shotgun has no spread (although you could always make the argument that it's loaded with high-powered slugs...)

  • I originally had a set order in which the player would scroll through their weapons: pistol as default, next shotgun, finally SMG. Tweaking stuff to enable weapon pick-ups threw this right out; the pistol always ends up at the end of the stack

  • Weapon scrolling doesn't loop, i.e. when you get to the top of the stack and press the "weapon up" control, nothing happens, instead of starting again at the earliest weapon in the stack. The same is true when pressing "weapon down" at the bottom of the stack

  • Weapons animate by having their whole body move, but do not have any moving parts at this time

  • I wanted a short burst of particles any time the player shoots something, which somewhat worked in my Doom Clone test ("blood" particles when hitting an enemy), but I couldn't get it to work here - the particles were either constantly emitting or didn't show up at all

  • Intro and title screens are clearly very rushed

  • No enemies (although there are plenty of indestructible physics cubes to knock about...)

  • The player's melee attack, in conjunction with the above physics cubes, has occasionally triggered something I'm just going to have to call a melee jump (that's a feature, not a bug, right?)

  • I didn't get round to doing the thing where the gun models don't clip - or aren't seen to clip - into other objects...

So it's very much a case of back to the drawing board with this one... Although it does make for a heck of a mood piece...

Based on YouTube tutorials by Chaff Games and StayAtHomeDev.

Music by me, from my earlier game Underlier: Gaiden (soundtrack available for purchase here).

Sound effects from FilmCow Royalty Free Sound Effects Library Volume 1, with additional editing by me.

If you like what I'm doing and want to help me make more of it, consider becoming a supporter on Patreon.

Thanks for looking!

#7dfps #atmospheric #creepy #firstperson #fps #lowpoly #physics #short #shooter #firstpersonshooter #retro #prototype #lmms #godot #godot4

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