City escape first person (ALPHA)Version 1.0.3
This is a unfinished build which it is currently in at the moment. The level and main functions are done,But all the colliders such as death barriers are not made yet and will be made in the next build. Oh and there are not any ramps yet,So yea enjoy...
City escape first person (ALPHA) ver 1.0.9(WITH INTRO)
City escape first person (ALPHA) ver 2.0.0
City escape first person (ALPHA) VER 2.0.5 architectual update
City escape first person ( FINAL ALPHA) version 2.0.6
City escape first person (BETA)
This is a little tech demo of my new project i am currently working on with another on my shoulder. This is supposed to be a remake of City Escape from Sonic Adventure 2. The development stage is in its first version so the level is not that long at the moment, The farthest i got in development was to the building you run down. NOTE THERE ARE NO RAMPS YET (lol) so yea you should give it a try and support it if you like. Ciao...
all music and characters is subject to copyright of Sega.