
Comments (20)

What do you think?

Well. After a friend asked me to play this alpha, i played it and i want to say that it's okay.

Apparently the problems that it has are because of part of the argument (Because my friend said that in the story the guys used an engine that had some problems, so it's justified), this fangame looks ambitious.

Maybe this is one of the last decent exe games that will exist.

I admit that i'm not totally interested on this fangame. The alpha didn't made me feel something like : Damn, this looks promising.

Or something like that, it feels just like a tour through the first act from Green Hill Zone, with some minor changes, a screamer, and a message at the Rouge.exe style at the end.

It's a bad beginning, but maybe the next demo will be better at making the player feel something.

I can't give this a rate between 0 and 10 because it's just an alpha.

But if i was supposed to do it without considering that. My rate would be a 3/10

Good music, good sprites

But the gameplay feels odd and the demo feels a little empty.

...If anybody asks, this "critique" isn't considering the exe games standards, it is considering the normal games standards.

So that explains the "rating" that i gave to the alpha.

Thanks for reading.

For Renx : This fangame has potential, but you need to be more careful with the details and the way that the story gets explained. Because well, if all the story is practically hidden in a Discord server or an answer in a Q&A, most of the players will end up without understanding nothing.

I will play this game on it's final version to see the final result. I have hopes to see another decent exe game like the episode Renx.

this is the only sonic creepy pasta game that has fooled me into thinking its just a remake of sonic 1

Finally A Port Of Sonic 1 For PC

After playing it, it looks pretty nice for a creepypasta it could definitely give some spooks to some people, not really a fan of the 2 jumpscares which is why I played it while in window mode and maybe you should have added something for getting a gameover instead of just sending you back to the title screen

oh wow good job


SonicCT.exe (Early Access)

Version: 0.9.1over 4 years ago

A group of young boys, fascinated by the classic blue hedgehog games (Sonic The Hedgehog, Sonic 2 and Sonic 3) decided to create their own megadrive engine to create their own Sonic game. This engine was not perfect, and contained its glitches but at least it was enjoyable. This engine would be used to create: Sonic CT (A.k.a: Sonic Classic Trilogy), a cartridge that was to contain the first 3 adventures of the hedgehog and his friends. But due to engine limitations, which was not perfect by itself, the game had to be canceled...

#creepypasta #sonicCT #fangame


WELL... Just like happened in the first version of my previous game ("Sonic.exe Renx Sistory", not "Episode: Renx") I lost the gamefiles of SonicCT. So I won't be able to continue it.. omg i feel so bad--