
[email protected] || http://network.mugenguild.com/basara
I've been fan of ClayFighter series since always, and especially of
63 1/3 for the Nintendo 64, and it was a dream come true to recreate
Earthworm Jim 10 years ago. It had to pass various years so in 2019 I
came back to this and started again with Blue Suede Goo and to fix Jim.
After a lot of time, finally I can bring you this: a fullgame based on
this series with my characters and a personal homage to this great but
forgotten Interplay series. I hope you enjoy it ;)
-=[What it has?]=-
-Fullgame made under MUGEN 1.0 Final
-21 selectable characters (19 officials and 2 guests)
-Officials: Earthworm Jim, Bad Mr. Frosty, Blue Suede Goo, Ice, Tiny,
Butch, Octohead, Nanaman, Sumo Santa, Helga, Kangoo, Lockjaw Pooch,
High Five (Arrange ver.), Boogerman, Kung Pow, N.Boss, Sarge, Googoo
and Taffy
-Guests: Kung Fu Man (Elecbyte's MUGEN) and Blob (by SneezeTHPS)
-Screenpack and fonts created by me exclusively for the fullgame
-ClayFighter 63 1/3 lifebars made by me
-25 stages
-16 from SNES games by Cenobite53
-1 from the first ClayFighter by Enscripture
-7 from 63 1/3, 1 from M2's CF3 and one from Sega 32X's CF2 prototype
by me
-=[What it needs?]=-
-Create more characters from the series (21/34 ready)
-Add more stuff to the screenpack
-More stages
-Intros and endings for the game and their characters
-Game Over and other screens
-See possible bugs
08/18/2023 - Version Beta 2
-Upgraded slots for characters from 27 to 30
-6 new characters: Boogerman, Kung Pow, N.Boss, Sarge, Googoo and Taffy
(63 1/3)
-Updates in characters from Beta 1
-Created a folder with all compiled readmes for all characters
-Bugs fixed on the screenpack and the fonts
-Arena stage (Butch) changed from CF1 to Tournament Edition, both made
by Cenobite53
-New stages:
-2 by Cenobite53 (The Crib and Camp Claynaveral)
-1 by Enscripture (N.Boss' Residence)
-5 made by me (CF2 Debug, Kooky Courtyard, Tribal Tower,
Boogerhenge and Santa's Workshop)
12/24/2022 - Version Beta 1 (release)
-Screenpack and lifebars created by me
-15 selectable characters, 1 of them made by SneezeTHPS
-18 stages, 14 of them by Cenobite53, the rest made by me
Another meteorite has fallen on Klaymodo Island, where Dr. Kiln,
wishing to expand on his previous success in Mudville and Clayland Park,
schemes to cover the island with clay as part of his plans for world
domination. Heroes from the past, Bad Mr. Frosty, Blob and Taffy, the
superheroes Earthworm Jim and Boogerman (the latter of whom went on
vacation there without realizing what was happening), as well as new
allies like some Kiln's creations that turned against him went to the
island to stop him and his minions.
Planning on the heroes attempting to corner him after Blob summoned
several Clayfighters who competed in older tournaments to the island,
Kiln created copies of all the participants to serve as his own personal
army. However, what he did not realize was that many of those clones
still remained as pure of heart as their original counterparts, while
also seeking to betray him and bring him down for good.
The conflict between Kiln and the ClayFighters escalates to a much
grander scale. Who will become the one who puts an end to Kiln's
ambitions first? Or will Klin finally achieve his goal of molding the
world into his own personal clay wasteland?
-=[Basic Moves]=-
-F: forward
-B: back
-D: down
-U: up
-DF: diagonal down-forward
-DB: diagonal down-back
-UF: diagonal up-forward
-UB: diagonal up-back
-D, DF, F: half U forward
-D, DB, B: half U backward
-F, D, DF: forward, down, down-forward (Shoryuken move)
-B, D, DB: back, down, down-back (back Shoryuken move)
-charge B, F: pres backward for few seconds and then forward
-D, D: twice down
-Weak Punch: x (a on keyboard)
-Medium Punch: y (s on keyboard)
-Strong Punch: z (d on keyboard)
-Weak Kick: a (z on keyboard)
-Medium Kick: b (x on keyboard)
-Strong Kick: c (c on keyboard)
-Run: F, F (double -> on keyboard)*
-Backdash: B, B (double <- on keyboard)*
-taunt: Start (Enter on keyboard)
* = with the character looking right, it's inverted if it looks to
You can change the arrows and buttons configuration in Options when you
start the game
-=[Command Moves]=-
-Throws: F + y/z (close)
-Launcher: DB + z (knocks off the enemy)
-Overhead Attack: D, D + punch/kick
-=[Special Moves]=-
-Details of every move in characters' readme
-=[Super Moves]=-
-Details of every move in characters' readme
-=[Combo System]=-
-Combo Opener: charge B, F + punch/kick
-Linkers: F, DF, D + punch/kick
-Finisher1: F, D, DF + punch
-Finisher2: D, DB, B + kick
-Combo Breaker!: F, D, DF + punch/kick
(when you're hit only, doesn't work with ultras)
-Insane Combos (KI's Ultras):
-D, DF, F + punch/kick
-D, DB, B + punch/kick
-F, DF, D + punch/kick
-B, DB, D + punch/kick
-F, D, DF + punch/kick
-B, D, DB + punch/kick
(last round only, after a Linker or Combo Opener and when the enemy
has low life)
Realize them when the enemy is finished only and waited for the last
hit (a la Mortal Kombat)
-Details of every Claytality in characters' readme
-=[Thanks to]=-
-Elecbyte: for create MUGEN
-Interplay: for create ClayFighter series
-Nintendo: for licence the series for their consoles
-MKKomplete and ClayFighter Wiki: for their FAQs of the series
-Juano16: for his tutorials about how to make fatalities, very useful to
can emulate Claytalities of my chars. And for create KFM-MK along with
Warner, my guide to know how to make them
-JLA: for create SRip that let me to rip the game sounds
-Dakangel: for give me the SRip and so rip the game sounds
-Ahrimanes: for let me use the code of his B.Orchid for the KI combo
-Orbinaut: for rip the game sparks give them to me, thanks
-All and everyone who appeared in the readmes of every character
-Cenobite53 and Enscripture: for his ClayFighter stages I used here
-Shadowtak, Lord Sinistro and Joey Faust: their CF chars inspired not
just my chars, but this fullgame
-Dragon of Courage: for suggest the name of the game
-SneezeTHPS: for his Blob, which let me use it for the fullgame, thanks
-Habib789874: for his rips in some chars as well in the screenpack
-Rawpixel.com: for the clay background of the screenpack (taken from
Freepik), which I modified for the fullgame
-You: for download and play with ClayFighter: Infinite Clayfare ;) #other #arcade