
Comments (31)

What do you think?

Ok, I have bought the game but I cant seem to find any way into the first little building with the flashlight and the bolt cutters.

Am I missing something or is it supposed to be ridiculously hard to figure out?

EDIT: I figured it out, video coming your way. Prepare yourselves.

Started the new version (First part will be up next Monday), really loving it so far and looking forward to digging deeper into it~
I'll edit the link in here when it releases but just wanted to say it's great so far!

One thing I did notice though is that the Vsynch option doesn't seem to save though the checkbox turns off each time I exit the menu.

Hello Clément, es-tu français ?

Si oui, peux-tu m'Ă©crire par mail s'il te plaĂ®t ? [email protected]

A bientĂ´t

Dude why did you make the early access paid? Why didn't you make it free and then the full version is paid?

And if it is for raising funds, you can use other websites like kickstarter.


DOUDY 1.0.0

Version: 1.0.0almost 5 years ago
If you are convinced by the purchase of DOUDY I would like to remind you that I am very passionate to make this game. It’s not a blockbuster with hours and hours of content. I just want to offer you a game that will allow you to explore, to discover the story DOUDY, in a psychologically horrifying walking simulator while providing enough depth for players who want to add some spice. And all for the price of a cheap pizza ... :)


If you are convinced by the purchase of DOUDY, I would like to call you back that I am very passionate but only to make this game. It’s not a blockbuster with hours and hours of content. I just want to offer you a game that will allow you to explore, to discover history, in a psychologically horrifying walking simulator while providing enough depth for players who want to add some spice. And all for the price of a cheap pizza ... :) Please do not hesitate to contact me for a return, if you have any questions or problems with the game. I will do my best to respond as quickly as possible and provide solutions if necessary. And then don't hesitate to tell me if you like the game, it will make my day! PS: The game and in FR or EN for now, the keys can be modified.
:) for more than 15 years that I have been a STEAM customer
platform today is a great day for me to move on to the developer side
and present my work to you :

FACEBOOK Egea Game :

Widows : 64bit

Process : quad core

Gtx 960 ou Ă©quivalent. #horror #survival #adventure #textadventure #puzzle #action

Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Realistic Violence
Blood and Gore
Mild Language

Hello ! Doudy Now available on steam!

Hello ! Doudy Maintenant disponible sur steam !Je suis tellement heureux de pouvoir vous présenter mon premier jeu.

Hey! A Steam key will be sent this weekend to a random user who will follow the Gamejolt games page! :)

Hello, :) for more than 15 years that I have been clients of the STEAM platform, today is a great day for me to go over to the developer side and present my work to you.

long travail pour la sortie officiel (espérons) bientôt sur steam... ;)

long work for the official release (hopefully) soon on steam ... ;)