Color Head and The 7 Stars
Game Soundtrack
- 1.Title
- 2.Main Menu
- 3.Invincible
- 4.Bonus
- 5.Tutorial
- 6.Minigame Menu
- 7.Minigame Rules
- 8.Minigame Intro
- 9.Minigame
- 10.Minigame Win
- 11.Minigame Lose
- 12.Cutscene
- 13.Underground
- 14.Boss Defeated
- 15.World 1 Map
- 16.World 1
- 17.World 2 Map
- 18.World 2
- 19.World 3 Map
- 20.World 3
- 21.World 4 Map
- 22.World 4
- 23.World 5 Map
- 24.World 5
- 25.World 6 Map
- 26.World 6
- 27.World 7 Map
- 28.World 7
- 29.World 8 Map
- 30.World 8
- 31.Castle
- 32.Boss Battle
- 33.Final Boss
- 34.Credits
- 35.Stage Clear
- 36.Game Over
The Color Crew needs your help. All of their stars have been taken away! Dash through 70 Massively Short levels to get them Back! And if you need a break, there are other modes to try out, and the game saves your progress as well. #action #adventure #platformer
Menu Controls:
Arrow keys to move around
B key to exit both galleries
Story Mode Controls:
Left and Right arrow keys to move
Spacebar to jump/continue Cutscene
R key to change to Red
O key to change to Orange
Y key to change to Yellow
G key to change to Green
C key to change to Cyan
B key to change to Blue
P key to change to Purple
T key to change to Tan
E key to exit Story Mode (Progress automatically saves after each level)
Minigame Controls:
P1: Left (A) Right (D) Up (W) Down (S) Tank Me Later (Q)
P2: Left (Left) Right (Right) Up (Up) Down (Down) Tank Me Later (Control)
P3: Left (J) Right (L) Up (I) Down (K) Tank Me Later (P)
P4: Left (C) Right (B) Up (G) Down (V) Tank Me Later (Spacebar)
E key to return to minigame menu
Color Race Advanced Controls:
1 Key to make P1 or CPU1 retire
2 Key to make P2 or CPU2 retire
3 Key to make P3 or CPU3 retire
4 Key to make P4 or CPU4 retire
5 Key to make CPU5 retire
6 Key to make CPU6 retire
7 Key to make CPU7 retire
8 Key to make CPU8 retire
Notice: The Game won't end until EVERYONE finishes.
Everything in this game has been done by me (CHGAMER296778 (known on YouTube, Twitter, Twitch, and Instagram))