Comments (6)
I really enjoyed the Demo! Here is a vid I did of it!
Hey so far I am enjoying the game, but I am a little confused. I can't seem to get past the third part. I try to use the debugger and it just shows a lock screen and wants me to enter text, but I've been given no indication as to what to type in or do? Am I missing something?
This game is really cool! I like games like this and I can't wait to see the full game!
(THIS IS A DEMO) COR is a game that will mess with you in more ways than you would expect. As you explore the contents of a game creators madness in this game you discover that sometimes, there are more benevolent spirits that haunt games than you first realized. (THIS GAME ONLY WORKS ON WINDOWS OS COMPUTERS, IT IS ALSO REQUIRED THAT THE GAME IS LOCATED ON YOUR DESKTOP IN ORDER TO WORK CORRECTLY)
Beware Eleven