Comments (13)
Alright I'm gonna have a little rundown of this game's features and why I have a problem with them.
"Beautiful-scary graphics!"
They're not great nor are they even the least bit scary. It's just a dark hallway with brick walls. How is that scary? And even if the graphics were great you wouldn't be able to see them because the game is incredibly dark.
"An ambience that will scare your socks off!"
Not only was I not scared or intimidated even slightly, I was incredibly bored. I'm gonna give you a big tip. Making a game ridiculously dark does not make it scary. It only adds to the frustration as the player crawls around in the dark not knowing what to do or where to go. Amazing horror games like Silent Hill 2 use dark areas sparingly and have plenty of scary environments in broad daylight and even then you have a map or a FLASHLIGHT so you at least know where to go. This game has NO ambiance.
"Two different modes in full version!"
Do you really plan on having this generate an infinite hallway? There is nothing entertaining about a long dark hallway. I couldn't even get through the finite version.
"Gameplay which is thought-provoking!"
I didn't see any gameplay here. I literally just put something heavy on my W key and waited for something to happen.
Spoilers: nothing happens.
"Secrets to discover!"
You're out of your mind if you're gonna start placing down secrets with a game this dark. Saying there's hidden objects in a game where you can't even see a foot in front of you just adds to the frustration.
You also say that once you beat it, you should give the game some thought. I'll assume this means there's some kind of twist at the end. Well I couldn't beat it and I'm not invested enough into the gameplay to really care about finding out.
You can call me out on being too critical for a game that's just essentially an alpha demo (I'm going to assume that's what it is since I don't see any mention of it being a demo) but if any of this reflects what the actual game is going to be then you can bet I'm not going to change how I feel about it. You just don't seem to grasp what makes a horror game scary.
Hi there, had a quick question. About how long does it take for someone to complete this game? I'm interested in playing it for a Let's Play. (:
I love interesting horror games and as far as Corridor really look impresive at the start It kinda fails to deliver right now, sound that is present in the game as well as graphics are very good but after a while it makes player more tired than scared ... in some point I was really hoping for something to kill me ;p I understand that game tries to make tense atmosphere and feeling of loneliness but It takes much too long before anything happens and even when something happens it is not that impresive. There are some new elements of environment in the corridor that sometimes shows up but those elements does not really serve any purpose. Don't get me wrong what is there is good as I still were frighten sometimes (not knowing what is that you should or should not afraid of ) but I really hope this is just a base that you planning to work on ;] Check out Spooky House of Jumpscares as it is mostly hilarious it makes many things (not all) right.
I am leaving some small video of my reactions, I guess you can see what elements dissapoints and which works at the first encounter. Sorry to be a little harsh with the comment and hope you will enjoy the video ;] Cheers !
Graphics are amazing! just work on the scares a little bit! Hope you make it to the top games list!
This game is too narrow. You should add rooms or at least some other corridors connected to the main one. The atmosphere was good but quickly you realize that there are no real threats so it's stops being interesting or spooky. Also those weird screen effects don't make sense. I like the graphics =)
Corridor is an experimental "horror" experience for everyone to enjoy.
The game will offer two different modes, only one mode playable yet.
After beating a single mode, you should think about what you have just played.
So, this game is work-in-progress and you'll probably understand the game when it's 100% done.
INFO: The game was greenlit on Steam!