Comments (14)
Strange and interesting!
Nice atmosphere. Good job!
Nice XD
I loved and hated playing due to user error lol. I love the idea and can't wait for you to finish to see how difficult it can be.
here's my rage LP lol
You are Corruption. Stuck in a corrupted world. You are all that is left in this vast, non existent world. Escape. And find purity.
Hi there I have started working on a platformer. It has pixeley, horror theme to it. I am currently using game maker to make the game. if you like what you see, be sure to give any suggestions, and I will be happy to implement them into the game. Remember, I am still new to game development. I can see the game being finish very soon. 1-2 weeks mabye even less. Sit tight while I work on it! Thanks.