
Comments (31)

What do you think?

Hey man--decent game, but pretty rought around the edges. The story was basically non-existent, absolutely nothing was explained (and no, I'm sorry but the brick of text in the game description does not count as expositition), the puzzles were facepalmingly simple, there was almost nothing to interact with, hallways and rooms were mostly empty, etc., etc. I can't even say the graphics were good, because you developed this in Unreal and it's actually harder to make games look bad than good in Unreal so...iunno. It was okay to play because I have an imagination, but in general I can't recommend this very highly. Maybe 4/10.

If you wanna check out my Lumps Play, please do!

My commentary is pop-up style.

when I saw it was two gigga bytes my reaction: illumanATI

Even though it's just a demo, I've found that the game has nice mechanics, the controls are fluid and the graphic is amazing.
The story has mostly to be told (what happened to the humans?!), but just by playing the demo your level of interest about it grows every minute.
I'd say that it's a fine demo and I would really like to try the full version when it comes out.
I didn't understand the H.U.D., is it supposed to tell me something? Or you're gonna implement something later.
In conclusion, I suggest all to try it cause it's definetly worth the time, it's nice and appealing.
For now I would give it a 8/10, cause there's more to be done.

By the way I did a little Let's Play video, so if you want to take a look at it, here it is:



Why give away the entire backstory in the description instead of having it revealed ingame? It would work out so much better.



Version: 3.7.4almost 9 years ago


In the year 2054 you David Mason and with limited time in hand escaped the world wide nuclear attack and flew off to the Space Station. After the landing all of the survivors were counted up and equaled an amount of 132 survivors and the Space Station had limited space at its time. But after finishing the upgrade for the Space Station the new president of the station decided to upgrade humans into robots for a futuristic environment for others to enjoy. A lot of people did not like the idea of this but it was done anyway. Scientists started to experiment with people to create robots out of them and has became a success. So after that the president also wanted to build a core that can respond to other's but mostly control all the people and their tasks. So after so many years of building the core later it was finished and worked perfectly. In the year 3072 the core started to act strange and took control of the entire space station than just robots. The entire station was shaking and the core corrupted all the robot people that existed and then made the robot's lose control and go crazy and became a very dangerous machine. But then you David Mason was reborn in the capsule that was abandoned many years ago. You were also corrupted but not enough to stop you from losing control of yourself. You knew what was happening and you knew your goal was to shutdown the core for eternity to seal all of the nightmares that were being caused and to remove hell from this place but is it possible.

Created By XerGames

Gpu : GTX 970 or AMD R9 280 or better
Cpu : intel core i5 or better
Ram : ddr3 8gb or better

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