
Comments (253)

What do you think?

That was fun! I love the style and really the whole concept of the game. The characters are so cute!

I'm lost in the caves.

Cute game! :D I love the music. :)

This is healing. The graphics, the sounds, the music, everything is warm honey-milk in game form. Thank you. I'd love a full version.

Este juego es precioso! La atmósfera que crea es muy inmersiva y, a pesar de no saber nada de ellos, la empatía con los personajes es inmediata! Por algún motivo me recuerda a mis antiguos juegos de Spectrum :) Buen trabajo!


Cosmic Song

Version: 1.0.0about 10 years ago

Game Soundtrack

7 songs

A short story about a dinosaur that becomes crazy. My entry to #pointclickjam


ghost sprites

yes, also ghosts in this stupid game

same dinos, many sizes

look at the little ones… AAAWWW

cave song

The cave puzzle is almost done ;)
And here is the song:…
Bleep bleep bleep




i just can’t concentrate when ‘the shining’ is on tv
8 days left ! aiiieeee


I found the ‘add news article’ button, and im very proud of it.
here is some stuff from the game

thats it !
gotta go !

It's happening!

hope i can finish this idea in the 12 days left. wish me luck!!
will be in CGA style, for browser, and mobile-ready!