
Comments (253)

What do you think?

That was fun! I love the style and really the whole concept of the game. The characters are so cute!

I'm lost in the caves.

Cute game! :D I love the music. :)

This is healing. The graphics, the sounds, the music, everything is warm honey-milk in game form. Thank you. I'd love a full version.

Este juego es precioso! La atmósfera que crea es muy inmersiva y, a pesar de no saber nada de ellos, la empatía con los personajes es inmediata! Por algún motivo me recuerda a mis antiguos juegos de Spectrum :) Buen trabajo!


Cosmic Song

Version: 1.0.0about 10 years ago

Game Soundtrack

7 songs

A short story about a dinosaur that becomes crazy. My entry to #pointclickjam


prototype ready

gotta go!
the prototype is done ;)
still have some bugs (specially sound bugs)
did my best the last 2 weeks!


suffering sailors, tis good to be dead!

herp albert

and, of course, i left the final puzzle and cutscene for this last 24 hours.

guille gracias por la tarta de espinaca.

pterodactylus sprites

pick up this, leave it there, now take this there, and now i can move this, AND HERE IS THE TURTLE!!!

4 days and 6 hours to the deadline of #pointclickjam :F