
A simple yet (possibly) addicting game where the only objective is to get your score
as high as possible. You do this by driving fast, collecting coins and getting
hurled in the air as much as possible. Along the way there will be the CowPolice,
a deadly force that will try and stop you from your rampage by using barriers,
an edge to your world (because this is not DOOM where the demons are stuck in a room
with you) and by ramming into you as often as possible.
This game is ironically meant to be bad, I'm sorry.
A game made by wito, with music by wito.
You must keep all the original game files in the folder for the game (.exe) to work.
Contact us by email: [email protected]
This version was made on the 29/08/2018.
This game may not be republished/redistributed in a public or commerical setting
unless the proper permission(s) are sought.
© Bloxounds Studios 2018