Comments (11)
Game Review Time!
So I played this live on stream and I have good news and bad news.
Bad News: I got air-hit. 3 Times in a single attempt.
It was played live on my recent stream, which I will post here:
(It was around 7 - 8 minutes in)
Good News: I did beat it and managed to no-hit 1/3rd of the game pretty early in unexpectedly.
There were some attack sections that dragged on for too long and sometimes during blaster sections they would appear offscreen, making it impossible to know where they would fire.
Writing was ok, it felt like a dusttale but didn't exactly feel a unique dusttale fangame with its writing.
But overall, fairly decent attacks, music is great, writing is ok, don't like the sliver of red when you have max hp but pretty good!
Solid 8/10.
Awesome game.
Turkish buildtt
THİS TAKE BY SOLUNARY. SUBSCRIBE TO HİM CHANNEL; https://www.youtube.com/@solunary

How to play game;
Z- select
X- Cancel
-Direction keys can give direction to your soul.
"This game is a fight for survival, so the life value is automatically replenished."

Also battle engine by; @TraXsus Undertale By:Toby Fox