
Comments (782)

What do you think?

This game is great. Me and my friends enjoyed it. The only problem is that we suck at this kind of game. Nice job guys.

Great game. 6 unique fighters (Peketo seems a little OP) , 1 boss (who is cheap AF as a playable character), an eerie soundtrack and a good story. Easily one of the best games on Gamejolt. Great to play with friends or if you've 10 spare minutes of time. Would highly reccomend.

This game is incredibly incredible! It could become a franchise and I'd download all the games. :D


If I owned a gaming company I would help you to remake this game and put it on consoles, because that's what this game deserves. Best Fighting Game EVER!!!


The Black Heart

Version: 1.2.1about 11 years ago

The Black Heart is an 1vs1 fighting game in the tradition of Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat, only more gothic and tragic.

It's about another world in a parallel dimension where the king and ruler has been murdered. A vicious creature called Final has ripped his heart where he stored all the power he used to create that world.

Six creatures, both from our world and the other one, chase this monster to steal the heart for their own purposes, since it's told that the bearer of the heart will weild an enormous power.

The game was all made by 1 person (Andrés Borghi) through 7 years of hard work. This includes graphics, programming, story, music, sound and pretty much everything.

If you enjoy pixelated blood, fluid gameplay in Capcom style, combos, tragic and epic music, weird pictoric landscapes and complex storytelling this is the game for you!

Featured in the book "250 indie games you must play" by writer Mike Rose from

Intense Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Brief Nudity

The final version of THE BLACK HEART has been published on STEAM!
Don't miss it:

See the new trailer which tells the whole story of the game's development.


The full final version of the game comes to Steam on october 21 with crazy new content!…


The Black Heart is now on STEAM with its new 10 YEARS VERSION. Go get it for an updated, more stable and content richer version of the game. Meanwhile you can still get the old free 1.2.1 version here on Gamejolt.

200.000 views and desktop mascot!


The game has hit the 100.000 views mark!

I’m really happy! :D

Thank you all for making this posible.
Don’t forget to download the latest version 1.2.1

And for many views more!
