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IMPORTANT: This game is still in development!

CrabbleUp is a laid-back, retro-inspired roguelite.

You are a small hermit crab, and you embark on a journey to explore the depth of the seas. Level-up to strengthen your existing abilities, and learn new ones! The skill tree is hidden, the levels are procedurally generated, each playthrough is unique, and enemies hit hard! Can you beat all the bosses, and live to tell the tale?


The Demo is a modified version of the first chapter of the full game, with more content and more challenges than usual. The pacing was increased to give you a better view on what can you expect from the full game, but in a limited time. If you find it too hard, don't worry, the full game lets you learn the skills and tricks in a more relaxed manner.

High-level roadmap

  • More content in general: 

    • Different enemy types with unique abilities.

    • A unique boss at the end of each chapter (and more chapters).

    • More terrain types with unique mechanics.

  • Additional game modes.

  • Game difficulty options.

  • In-game collectibles.

  • Achievements.

Existing features

  • Supports Windows (7 or newer) and Linux.

  • Supports keyboard and game controllers.

  • Customisable:

    • in-game look for your avatar,

    • window resolution,

    • language (7 options),

    • input bindings.

  • Local co-op with 2 players.

  • The first chapters and levels can be played with multiple enemy and obstacle types alternating. 

  • The same boss at the end of every chapter. Later, each chapter will have a unique boss at the end.

  • Skill tree with multiple paths and mechanics to unlock.

  • Treasure chests can be discovered with bonus content.

  • Healing mechanics.

Known issues

  • Nothing currently!

System requirements

  • 64-bit OS

  • 1+ core CPU (2+ cores recommended)

  • 1GB RAM (2GB recommended)

  • 300MB disk

  • Any GPU supporting OpenGL

  • Widescreen display (not 4:3)

  • On Linux, GLIBC must be 2.27 or newer (you can check by running 'ldd --version')


You have multiple options to follow the development, and send feedback:

I post updates, and reply to user posts on the official subreddit.

You can also send bug reports and general feedback via a Google Forms. If you submit a feedback via this form and provide your email address, you will receive an unlock code for a unique in-game cosmetic!

#2d #arcade #casual #handdrawn #isometric #localcoop #coop #multiplayer #roguelite #tilemap

Mild Cartoon Violence

Hello everyone, and welcome to first release of CrabbleUp on GameJolt!

You can read in-depth dev logs about how this game is shaping up, and where it is coming from:!