
Comments (11)

What do you think?

Heh, pretty funny game. I loved the sprites for the dancing. :3 4/5

Nice !

I would have liked to have seen more strategy involved, such that there are more events leading up to the assissination which improve or decrease your likelihood of success. Eg, getting a disguise, bribing the guards, etc, etc. Anything to make the game more complex than simply getting the right combination of angle and speed in a single instance. That's not much of a game.

I think you missed the opportunity to make this game in the context of the events of Operation Valkyrie, which imo is more interesting than throwing a grenade at Hitler. There were a lot of variables during that incident which played out in such a way that Hitler was very lucky (and we were unlucky for him) not to be assassinated.

(Since the last rater gave you a 1, I'll give you a 5. Hey, I didn't make the system)

All I managed to do was stand up and sit down. WTH? Weird game, felt like puking the whole time, besta luck in the contest ^_^

This is such a great idea, and a simple, yet amazing game. Good Job! I included your game in my Game Jolt Contest 10 part 6 compilation series, if you'd like to check ti out


Crash The Nazi Party

Version: 1.0.0over 11 years ago

Crash The Nazi Party is a small and simple game made for the Gamejolt Contest #10, doing a twist on the contest's theme of "Party."

In the game, you play a German soldier who is secretly working for the United States military. The only way to stop the evil dictator himself is to take out your grenade and throw it right in his face while he's giving yet another one of his long, drawn out, boring speeches.

If miss your target, it will be game over. There are no "second chances", no "extra lives." This is your only moment, and if you miss it, you'll have to start all over again.

(Note: Yes, this game involves Adolf Hitler and the Nazis during World War 2. This isn't, however, a game that praises any of that. If anything, this game is evidence of itself being staunchly anti-that. Just because the game has these things does not mean I nor anybody who may have helped me in the making of this game condones that socio-political philosophy or the horrible actions that resulted from it. Nor does this game make light of atrocities commited by Nazi Germany. This is a game in which you play a German who turns away from the Nazi Party because of their actions and work for the Allies in killing Hitler. This game is no more condoning of Nazism than Wolfenstein 3D, or many other games that feature Hitler or the Nazis.)

(After all, nobody gripes about Call of Duty putting Nazi soldiers and zombies in their games, now do they? )

(My intent for making the game is not to shock anybody, offend anyone's sensibilities, or turn Nazi Germany into a comedy, although you may find certain things that result from the player's actions humorous. If you are offended by anything in this game, I apologize. But again, that was not my intent. This is a game where you kill Hitler. It can't get much more anti-Hitler than that, can it?)

Cartoon Violence
Fantasy Violence
Realistic Bloodshed
Crass Humor

Just working on sprites hereAAAAND IT'S DONE.

Update (Day Four)