
Comments (14)

What do you think?

Okay, so the game is very solid though has a few glaring issues, especially noticably with Crash's controls. They're fine, but sometimes the double jump will not register at all. You'll do a single jump fine, but not a double. Then, you'll try to jump off a crate. Maybe you'll be able to do a jump straight off the crate. Maybe you won't. The inconsistency of this makes getting the clear gems near impossible or impossible in some cases. Also, Crash's jump height with some of the level geometry seems like he doesn't jump high enough, his jumps are too heavy while the platforming elements sometimes don't accomodate this. Looks fairly good, but needs a lot, and I mean a lot of polish.

Crash Bandicoot games will always be my favorite. Your idea to bring back the GBA games and to make new levels, I can accept this as remastered game. So yeah, keep up the good work, 10/10 for the game.

Can't wait to see the Titans GBA levels in classic Crash gameplay!

So this game is fun and all, but it does have some issues worth addressing, first off the double jump, as it's SUPER inconsistent and can make some levels far more annoying than they should be, especially the Medieval one in Warp Room 2, which is nearly unplayable due to this. Also, WOW, Dingodile is WAY harder than he should be! I really think you should nerf the difficulty a bit in the earlier Warp Rooms and bosses, and have a gradual difficulty curve. Now for the things I like about this, the choice of using the GBA graphics, especially the ones from Spyro Orange/Crash Purple for the Medieval level, was a genius decision! Also, the fact that you have the music from the console games play instead of the GBA ones was a solid decision. Although, maybe having the Warp Room music from N-Tranced playing in the Warp Room Hubs would make a ton of sense, or maybe even having different Warp Room themes for each of the Warp Room Hubs might be interesting. Again, solid game, but it has some issues that are worth looking into fixing if at all possible!

i played a little and i can say its really good game and i like the gba style but you need to fix the controls especially on controller because its not convinient


Crash Bandicoot Advance

Version: 0.1.3about 3 years ago

Crash Bandicoot fangame based off the GBA games.
8 levels and a boss currently complete, v0.1.4 coming eventually

v0.1.3 Update:
- Game now runs at 60 fps, up from 30
- Dynamic difficulty value now saved per checkpoint, still reset upon level completion, but separate for each level
- Dingodile now has a checkpoint in the middle of the fight
- Warp Rooms now look 3D (kinda)
- New hidden level accessed through secret exit in somewhere in Warp Room 1

Cartoon Violence

Snazzy shader, secret stage, sick schmovement

v0.1.3 out now, in futuristic 60fps!