
Comments (6)

What do you think?

Ok guys thanks for all the suggestions, i am going to be releasing a MASSIVE update for the game soon. Stay tuned!!!

Well, it wasn't too bad. Even so, having to manually activate the enemies was a bit tiring. Seemed pointless, if you ask me. The graphics weren't too bad, but the lack of music really hurt the game. You still hold some potential, though. Just polish it a bit more. 2/5

You should post screenshots, that will make more people want to play. I personally don't like to download a game unless I can see what it looks like first.

Off to a good start. Was making the enemies only move when you press backspace an intentional feature? It should be possible to make them move in their Create event, so they'll start moving as soon as the level starts. Alternatively, you could just make them move then the player gets close. Example: if the player object is named player, you could give the enemies an expression in their Step event that says "if distance_to_object(player)<100, move".

Okay. I like the concept of this. But needs animation on the faces and maybe you should make us press backspace to start the level. Very short by the way :(



Version: 1.0.0-alphaover 11 years ago

a simple game that i have just started development on. it is still in alpha so expect bugs and problems in the game. also note that you need to press the backspace button to get the enemys started.

hope you have fun with my first game!!!

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