Comments (8)
Really fun game, and unique control scheme
Good game!
Very interesting and unique mechanics idea, it's like viewing the platformer genre from different perspective :D I think you should put it in the description that controls are perfomed by mouse, i had to spend some time before i realized it lol. Though, the blue levels seems less original compared to the yellow levels because they don't have the feeling of something new, yet yellow levels features new way of control. I think the game should be focused on usual levels. But maybe it's just me. Also about level desing... Level's structure is based on constant and same series of obstacles. for example jump over the series of spikes like 10 times. And that's boring :( Levels could use some variety. And at last, i think the background shouldn't be just solid color, it makes harder to understand how the dynamic platfroms are moving, especially in the parts where, well, all the platforms on screen are moving :D I also think solid color is boring, but maybe it's just me again. Oh yeah, i think it would be cool if the heigh of jump depended on how quick you move mouse up. Anyway, the core idea is cool, develop it well, good luck :D
..nice game :) i like it
Great game, :)
Handy Time
Try to finish the levels as fast as possible...the fastest gamer will get his name featured inside the game.
you will get an in-game notification when a new version is available.
I would love to receive your feedback and what you suggest for the next update, thanks.