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Version: 0.0.2over 4 years ago
The current version only has a few levels, but will be expanded soon.

Cubi (PROTOTYPE) (32-bit)

Version: 0.0.2over 4 years ago
Same game, but it's a 32-bit version for those with older computers.

This is a small game in where you are a cube that must avoid obstacles to reach the goal. It's an extended version of the game YouTuber Brackeys made.

The main reason this exists is to help me learn development with Unity. #arcade


Sorry for development on either of my games being really slow. I've started a YouTube channel, and I just recently realized that I should probably set up a mild schedule of what I do day-to-day.

This does mean that for at least a week, I will be inactive.

0.0.2 is out!

- New level

- Unity upgraded to 2019.4.8f1

- End trigger method now uses tags for better accuracy

Well the game just crapped itself and now doesn't know how to "win" a level and I have no idea why

Gonna release version 0.0.2 soon. Adds a new level.

When I built the installer it was compiled nearly a month after the previous one so oops haha

A 32-bit version has been uploaded! It should now be possible for the majority of people running Windows to play this game.