
Comments (5)

What do you think?

looks awesome

Looks amazing. Whats the planned DEMO date if there is one?

TeM kNoW tEm WiLL LoEv iT

it won't let me contiune in the tutorial

this is so sad, my old pc died. i have to start over. alexa play despacito


Cuphead NES Edition

Version: 0.0.1over 5 years ago

Not much to say, still working on graphics. #fangame #platformer #shooter
UPDATE: There is a tutorial now.

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence

My pc had another fluke where it shuts itself down, so i stopped making the game in fear it would have corrputed.

Im out of Isle 2 boss ideas, any suggestions?

Isle 1 is complete!

Ok, i hope the program i was using to make this game is working now. The files can get corrupted and delete the entire game. I wasn't going to risk it.

Looking better than before!