
Comments (10)

What do you think?

Trying out alpha-06 hope there's more cheers!

when will there be a new update

acabo de joder la memoria de mi psp 3000 ayuda asjdldfkejoifhjodahfjoihdedewfuohgesfdhgrfdhjugrdjknhugdjnkgjkuiggjkfgfdgfrdrfdhtrjnhjygtjythfgredtjy

How did you convert the game for PS3? I always had an error with conversion in the absence of PARAM.SFO although I have it


Cuphead Portable PSP

Version: 0.8.2over 2 years ago

Cuphead Portable PS3

Version: 0.8.2over 2 years ago

Adaptación del popular juego de Cuphead para la consola portátil de Sony, el PSP.

El juego está sujeto a cambios ya que es un proyecto en curso (puede que no se llegue a un resultado esperado debido al entorno de desarrollo).

An attempt to port a reduced/lite version of Cuphead to this portable retro console (wrote on GML using Game Maker 8).

This game could have some changes cause its development is in course.

#psp #ppsspp #fangame #platformer #action #arcade #shooter

Mild Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence

Alpha version 0.8.2 features:

✅Main menu updated with the new option "Credits" (it contains information about the author and the beta testers).

✅Little changes made in the final ISO (information like the game's ID and game's name).

Alpha version 0.8.1 features:

✅Intersect boundary bug already fixed (player gets stuck at the screen limit).

✅Ollie Bulb's atacks collisions masks fixed.

✅Bosses HP set to 250 points (Cuphead's bullet inflicts 1 hp).

✅Parry animation fixed.

Alpha version 0.8 features:

✅All collision issues were fixed (the character still moving when landing).

✅Ollie Bulb Boss finished (whit all its states, even the peaceful mode).

✅Current version added to the main menu.

✅Cuphead hurt/damage state.

Alpha version 0.7 features:

✅Fixed shooting bug (now you can shoot in air whitout interruptions).

✅Parry added.
✅Ollie Bulb Boss almost done, 90% completed (the onion).
✅At this moment the game doesn't crash.