
Comments (10)

What do you think?

I just played a 7 year old indie game.

Very Slow and I think it is better suited under Platformer. (Learn by doing it Over and Over)
Didn't really feel like a puzzle. (Present a problem, think, and then solve)

You should eliminate the "cheat" that pressing the 1 key gives you. I accidentally used it and it's hard to go back once you have (it seemed to remove all methods of restarting the level -via death-). Actually removing it might not be good, as I'm now using it to get back to the point in the game where I left off last time, but making it toggle the spikes on/off would be nice, in case someone (like me) accidentally presses it.

Also it'd be nice if you could resize the game, make it x2 the size and/or whatnot. On my screen the window was very small, and I know there are screens higher resolution then mine.

I haven't beaten the game yet, but unless at some point there is a reason to stop pressing the X key, why not just make the game as if it's always pressed? Holding down the key all the time doesn't make playing any harder.

Also if M could mute the game or at least the music, that'd be nice. I often play games while listening to the BBC in the background and many games seem to have that key.

I beat it! It's a bit short, but it's a great game.

It was fun, but way short and the last level was a one trick pony. Bug does not like one trick ponies.


Dad Would Be Proud

Version: 1.0.0almost 16 years ago

A short but difficult platformer, with added slow motion. The controls are explained in game. I made this game simply because I feel that freeware games are getting too easy.

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