Comments (28)
im just an idiot runnin' around games and commenting jokes lol
wont open or load at all
This game is simply a masterpiece in my mind! 5/5 IGN
Weird, it says win the game in another way but you cant
Works on chrome
Damn Money... by SK16 Games
Damn Money...
Damn Money... is a game with a nice little story about money. You are the guy 'Rob' (because Bob is too mainstream) who finds out that he has to pay a lot of money, or he'll get in jail... How is he going to get the money?
WASD to move (actually just A and D)
'Space' to go through doors (you have to be in front of a door)
Click on letters to read, and click more times to read more pages
Click on people to talk with them
This game was made in ~48 hours for the Ludum Dare game jam Mini LD 48. Please take that in mind before judging.
Tags: #LudumDare #LD48 #MiniLD