
Comments (2)

What do you think?

The game feels like a crude game. No, I'm not talking about the font nor the menu. I'm talking about first level which is too hard IMO (Zombies have too much HP and no HP recovery items) and game design
Also when protagonist fell to water, the game doesn't consider it as death. Worse, game didn't save my progress so I'm forced to replay from 1st level


  1. Start with simple and easy level as 1st level. Have zombies which can be killed with just one shot there

  2. Put HP recovery items. Not all players are skilled so they need something to help them survive

  3. Enlarge the size of bullets. I know it's unrealistic but bigger sized bullets are easier to see
    For enemy's bullets, make them blinking with alternating color to make it easier to seeBTW the 2nd part reminds me of ghouls n ghosts



Version: 1.0.0almost 10 years ago

DAMNED is a platform-shooting game which follows the search for revenge of Mathias, a man who once ressurrected an ancient demon called Yaman. Explore nine levels, fight four different types of enemies and four bosses.

Intense Fantasy Violence
Blood and Gore
Mild Language
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